Published on 13 October 2015, the Immobilienreport 2016 was written by GRAFT on behalf of the Zukunftsinstitut think-tank agency in Frankfurt. The publication is the second study by GRAFT on trends in architecture and the real estate market and focuses on the increasing digitization of homes and workplaces, its impact on everyday life and the built environment.
The book examines the following topics:
• Flexible workplaces: new office concepts are just around the corner. In future, workplaces won’t be bound to a single location and may be shared with co-workers or even other companies.
• Next-generation intelligence: our environment is getting smarter. Hot on the heels of the smartphone come the smartcar and smarthouse. Technology will start to learn and think ahead – and buildings will have to adapt accordingly.
• Communicating spaces: The fusion of digital and physical worlds. Digitisation is already forcing us to fundamentally reconsider the sales concepts of retail stores. Consumer spaces will in future become hybrid places.
• Genius loci: location, perspective, service. The highly competitive travel market will need new ideas to convince customers in the future. New concepts, such as like ultra-localism, are revolutionising the tourism industry.
• Housing industry: housing shortage on the one hand, empty flats on the other. How will the real estate market change in the coming years?
• ‘Dynamic methods’: the end of static reviews. Dynamic forecasting tools are heralding new methods of property valuation.
This book is available only in German. However, GRAFT’s founding partners as the authors are available to lecture on these trends in English. The book can be purchased via the website of Zukunftsinstitut.