VoloPort Prototyp (Wettbewerb 1. Preis)

AIR TAXI VOLO-PORT The German air taxi company Volocopter developed the first fully electronic vertical take-off vehicle that flies autonomously and is accordingly ideally suited for use in urban areas. Together with GRAFT and Arup, the Berlin agency GRAFT Brandlab won the design competition for a modular vertiport concept.
The German air taxi company Volocopter developed the first fully electronic vertical take-off vehicle that flies autonomously and is accordingly ideally suited for use in urban areas. Together with GRAFT and Arup, the Berlin agency GRAFT Brandlab won the design competition for a modular vertiport concept.
The German air taxi company Volocopter developed the first fully electronic vertical take-off vehicle that flies autonomously and is accordingly ideally suited for use in urban areas. Together with GRAFT and Arup, the Berlin agency GRAFT Brandlab won the design competition for a modular vertiport concept.
The German air taxi company Volocopter developed the first fully electronic vertical take-off vehicle that flies autonomously and is accordingly ideally suited for use in urban areas. Together with GRAFT and Arup, the Berlin agency GRAFT Brandlab won the design competition for a modular vertiport concept.
The German air taxi company Volocopter developed the first fully electronic vertical take-off vehicle that flies autonomously and is accordingly ideally suited for use in urban areas. Together with GRAFT and Arup, the Berlin agency GRAFT Brandlab won the design competition for a modular vertiport concept.
The German air taxi company Volocopter developed the first fully electronic vertical take-off vehicle that flies autonomously and is accordingly ideally suited for use in urban areas. Together with GRAFT and Arup, the Berlin agency GRAFT Brandlab won the design competition for a modular vertiport concept.
Vertiports, Infrastruktur, Mobilitätsarchitektur
Wettbewerb, 1. Preis, zusammen mit GRAFT Brandlab und Arup
GRAFT Brandlab/Skyports/Volocopter/GRAFT
Nikolay Kazakov, Raphael Olivier
Raphael Olivier & Vincent Baumont

International Design Award IDA 2021: Lobende Erwähnung, German Innovation Award 2020: Gold, Automotive Brand Contest 2020: Best of Best, iF DESIGN Award 2020

Das deutsche Air Taxi-Unternehmen Volocopter hat das erste vollelektronische, autonome Senkrechtstart- und -landeflugzeug (eVTOL) entwickelt, eine ideale Lösung für den Einsatz in urbanen Gebieten. Gemeinsam mit GRAFT und Arup gewann die Berliner Agentur GRAFT Brandlab den Wettbewerb, ein modulares Vertiport-Konzept für Volocopter zu entwerfen.

. The result is a flowing space that carefully orchestrates passenger experience and contributes to promoting acceptance of three-dimensional passenger transport. Depending on the specific context, air taxis will depart from the Volo-Port’s roof or an adjacent landing platform.

Das VoloPort-Konzept kombiniert Lounge-, Sicherheits- und Abflugbereiche.

Foto © Raphael Olivier

Das Ergebnis ist ein fließender Raum, der die Erfahrung der Fahrgäste sorgfältig orchestriert und dazu beiträgt, die Akzeptanz des dreidimensionalen Personenverkehrs zu fördern.

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Der modulare Charakter von VoloPorts ermöglicht eine nahtlose Integration dieser neuen Transportform in die bestehende städtische Infrastruktur. Mögliche Einsatzszenarien sind Bahnhöfe, Flughäfen und ungenutzte Dachflächen, aber auch schwimmende VoloPorts auf Pontons - unter Nutzung der freien Luftkorridore über Flüssen und anderen Wasserflächen.

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Je nach Kontext starten die Lufttaxis vom Dach des VoloPort oder von einer angrenzenden Landeplattform.

. The result is a flowing space that carefully orchestrates passenger experience and contributes to promoting acceptance of three-dimensional passenger transport. Depending on the specific context, air taxis will depart from the Volo-Port’s roof or an adjacent landing platform.
. The result is a flowing space that carefully orchestrates passenger experience and contributes to promoting acceptance of three-dimensional passenger transport. Depending on the specific context, air taxis will depart from the Volo-Port’s roof or an adjacent landing platform.

Fotos © Nikolay Kazakov for Volocopter / Skyports

Mit dem neuen VoloPort-Konzept macht Volocopter einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung einer neuen luftgestützten Form der urbanen Mobilität auf Basis von elektrischer Energie.

Lars Krückeberg, Wolfram Putz, Thomas Willemeit, Georg Schmidthals
Klemens Sitzmann
Marvin Bratke
Nick Boer, Miloslav Cvetkovic, Daniel Finck, Ben Goern, Ivan-Felipe Ucrós Polley, Ahmed Rihan, Mohamed Elyes Zahrouni, Vlad Zangor